Welcome to this year's Faith Formation Program!
(Updated June 1, 2024)
Msgr. Arnsparger has designed a Faith Formation Program for the entire parish with studies for all ages: Adults, College, High School, Grades 1 -8, Sacramental Preparation for First Holy Confession & First Holy Communion, and Confirmation.
To review this exciting, extensive program, click on the button above: Program Outline. On this webpage you will also find the Enrollment Form and this year's Sacramental Prep guidelines. There are also resources and links in the side-bar for your convenience to order textbooks, access study guides, and view free Catholic content.
There is no Faith Formation Fee; rather, participants are asked to purchase the applicable text and activity books for Grades 1-8. All else listed in the outline is free to use through parish and diocesan subscriptions.
We ask all that are participating, regardless of age, complete the Enrollment form. This will greatly help the Faith Formation department serve those utilizing any part of the program.
2024-2025 Faith Formation Enrollment Form - English
2024-2025 Faith Formation Enrollment Form - Spanish
Attention Parents:
Please contact the office at 828.252.6042, ext. 105 or email: [email protected].