The Commission of Evangelization, Ecumenism and Communication works through a variety of means and ministries to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Catholic Church, and to promote unity between all Christians and peoples of other faiths. Our work encompasses the following items as outlined by the Diocese of Charlotte.
Develop programs to help parishioners share the Good News among members of the parish family, with people of other faiths, and with Catholics who no longer participate in church life.
Promote and sponsor programs that will implement the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' vision for evangelization including the national plan “Go and Make Disciples.”
Sponsor parish events benefiting foreign and domestic missions. In conjunction with the Community Ministries Commission it promotes, if possible, the adoption of another parish within the diocese, a foreign parish, or a poor inner city community.
The pastor and commission insure that training is provided in the nature of evangelization and in strategies and tactics of evangelizing. Provide information specific to the groups being evangelized or served.
Develop close communication with parish commissions and organizations to facilitate communication and participation. Offer programs for spiritual renewal, education, and outreach support in evangelization efforts.
Furnish communication material to local and diocesan media.
Plan, coordinate, and distribute an annual parish calendar of activities.